Latest Event

Saturday, 26th January 2019

Mrs Ikuyo Morrison led the workshop on Saturday 26th January 2019.

The theme of the workshop was Textbook: 5-14 Composing with Branches – A Two – step Approach.

Venue: London Flower School

(Click an image to enlarge it)

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Another successful workshop, and this time was a different but interesting one in which 24 people attended. We used three different kinds of branches; apple trees, greengage trees, and contorted willows. All of them had unique characters so that made up interesting shapes and textures.

Probably not many of us have ever tried making a hole in branches using an electric drill and screw to tie up three branches together to make a composition firm and steady. I saw many people struggled to try and stand it up or make an interesting shape for this first stage. After getting through the initial struggle, Ikuyo gave us advice to make the final arrangement allowing us to add flowers and plant materials in chosen containers.

For many of us, this was the first experience to do this style of Ikebana rather than using branches for Shin and Soe as a basic style. This is an important step to make big arrangements, for example an exhibition or a display for a special occasion.
I am sure this workshop will guide us towards new and good experiences for our own next steps in our future flower arrangements.

I would like to thank Ikuyo-sensei in providing us with those branches and bringing them to LFS in advance all the way from Bedford. She ended up bringing them on Tuesday and had to go home in a snow!!
She even carefully brought her own composition from home for her demonstration, as she usually does. Her compositions of those branches were most beautifully arranged with a nice finishing touch of lovely flowers from her own garden.
Ikuyo-sensei’s work inspires us to realise this is Sogetsu Ikebana and makes us want to challenge more.

The article – by Mrs Yuko Cowin

<Updated by Ikuyo Morrison on February 22, 2019 at 11: 55 pm>